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Christian Pilgrimage Israel

The pilgrimage is a deep biblical process. It takes its roots in the tradition of the patriarchs and prophets.

It takes its meaning in the Christ Jesus, God made man.

Its action and message shows that his entire life is a pilgrimage, an ascension towards the father in which he attracts all the men.

This is how Jesus teaches its interlocutors to always go beyond a too materialistic conception of the pilgrimage.

“Your word is the light of my steps, a lamp on my road” Psalm 118.

Tourism of the World is incorporated within the biblical approach of the pilgrimage: the word of God is the essential food, the manna in the desert, the light on the road, and the guide leading to the evangelization.

an example of 9 nights/10 days program

Praises and prayer times at the sacred places

 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel
 Christian Pilgrimage - Evangelical Pilgrimage Israel

 Example of a 7 nights – 8 days Program

Tours depend of the fight plans

Day 1

Arrival at Ben Gurion Israel Tel Aviv Jaffa airport

Welcome and reception at the airport by the Tourism of the World team

Transfer to the hotel – relaxation, discovery and free time in Tel Aviv

Dinner and night at the hotel in Tel Aviv

Day 2

Caesarea – Carmel Mount – Megiddo - Nazareth – Cana


Driving along the coast, visit of the Roman Hellenist port town Caesarea, erected by the King Herod in honor of the Roman emperor August:

According to the acts commit by the apostles, it was the place where the centurion Cornelius converted to Christianity (multimedia presentation of the city’s history through times).

On the road towards the Galilee, passage through the Carmel Mount, prayers and praises at the place where the prophet Eli fought against the fake prophets of Baal.

Stop at the foot of the Tell Megiddo (Armageddon), evocation of the Apocalypse of St John.

Lunch at the restaurant

Nazareth – visit of the Church of the Annunciation, the workshop of Joseph, the synagogue of Jesus and the archeological vestiges such as the Early Christian baptistery.

Ascension to the Mount Precipice

Let’s go to Cana, village of Jesus’ first miracle, where he transformed water into wine during the nuptials of Nathanael.

Dinner and night at the hotel in Galilee

Day 3

Galilee: Around Tiberias Lake


Visit of the sacred places that punctuate the Jesus Minister around Tiberias Lake:

- Capharnahum (Kfar Nahum), center of the Christianity since Jesus lived and realized there a number of miracles such as the recovery of Pierre’s mother-in-law.

- The White Synagogue and the remains of the village such as the house of St Pierre’s mother-in-law.

- Tabgha, by the lake, where the miracle of the multiplications of the loaves and the fishes happened.

In these places, Jesus named Simon-Pierre as the first pastor (Marc 6:30-46)

- Mount of Beatitudes: it’s on this hill that Jesus delivered the Sermon of the Mount with eight beatitudes. We will recite them there.

Traditional meal at the restaurant by the lake, where the good fish St Pierre will be served.

Relaxing time and boat ride on the Sea of Galilee

Visit of the famous fish boat from Jesus time at the Ginossar Museum

Visit of Yardenit: official place to commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River

Dinner and night in Galilee

Day 4

Mount Tabor – Jordan Valley – Jericho – Qasar el Yahud – Qumran – Dead Sea


First stage in Mount Tabor, place of the transfiguration, visit and meditation

Let’s go to Mount Gilboa, then the Jordan Valley

Jericho: evocation of Joshua, Bartimaeus and Zacheous (passing in front of the “sycamore tree”).

Stop at the bottom of the Mount of Temptation

Passing through Qasar el Yahud, real place of Jesus baptism and where the people of Israel entered the Promised Land.

Lunch at the restaurant

Qumran: archeological location in the Essenes village, community of the “Yarad” living in the prayer, in the ritual purification and the sacred texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. John the Baptist would have lived there, among those Jewish ascetics.

420 meters under the level of the sea: relaxing and bathing in the salty and therapeutic waters of the Dead Sea.

Let’s go to Jerusalem

Communion and praise – Prayers gathering – After the dinner at the hotel, speeches by the pastors of Jerusalem

Dinner and night at the hotel in Jerusalem

Day 5



From the Mount of Olives, beautiful overview of the Holy City

We will go down the Path of the Palm Sunday on foot to get to the Gardens of Gethsemane for some prayer time. Short stop at the Church of Dominus Flevit to see a Necropolis and ossuaries dating back from the 1st century.

Descending to the Kidron Valley, visit of the Tomb of Zechariah, the great priest, and visit of the Tomb of Avshalom.

Climbing up the Kidron Valley by the ‘last path’ that led Jesus to the Caiaphas prisons.

Lunch at the restaurant

From the Flower’s Gate (or Herod’s Gate), we will get to the pool of Bethesda (John 5:2). While climbing up the Calvary (Path of the pain), we will pass by the courtroom where Pontius Pilate emitted his judgment: ‘Ecce homo’.

We will head for the Garden Tomb on the Golgotha to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord. A holy scene will be organized.

Going back to the old city, visit of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and of the old city’s souks.

Communion and praises – Daily prayers gathering

Dinner and night at the hotel in Jerusalem

Day 6



Visit of the City of David, introduction movie recounting the city’s story and the time of the first temple, visit of the Hezechias’ Tunnel and of the Pool of Siloam.

Through Dung Gate, we will penetrate into the enclosure of the old city, in the Jewish neighborhood.

Prayers and meditation at the Western Wall, called Kotel in Hebrew, passage through the ruins of the second temple where Jesus connected with Jerusalem.

Lunch at the restaurant

Passing through the souks, let’s go to Jaffa’s Gate, and David’s Tower to visit Jerusalem’s museum recalling all the periods that impacted the city, from Abraham’s time until today.

Passage through the administrative neighborhoods: The Knesset or the Great Menorah.

Communion and praises – Prayers Meeting – Educational speeches by the pastors of Jerusalem after the dinner at the hotel

Dinner and night at the hotel in Jerusalem

Day 7

Jerusalem – Bethlehem


Heading to Mount Zion, visit of David’s Tomb and the Cenacle, place of the Last Supper of Jesus.

We will go to the old prison of Caiaphas where Jesus spent his first night before being handed back to the Roman Ponce Pilatus, we will visit the prisons and the stairs where he went for the last time.

On the road to Bethlehem, stop at Rachel’s Tomb, prayers and praises

Lunch at the restaurant in Bethlehem

In Bethlehem, visit of the Shepherd’s Fields, the Church of the Nativity and the Chapel of the Milk Grotto, then we’ll do some shopping in Bethlehem (craftsmanship using olive tree wood).

Return in Jerusalem – Passage through the Mahane Yehuda Market, walks in the authentic back alleys.

Communion and praises – Daily prayer gathering

Dinner and night at the hotel in Jerusalem

Day 8

Jerusalem – Tel-Aviv – Jaffa – Airport


According to the departure time if we can afford it, we will enjoy the last moments to visit Jaffa (Joppa in the Bible), where is located one of the oldest ports of the world, where Jonas tried to escape God. We will see the house of Simon the Tanner where St Peter brought Tabitha back to life.

Walk in the vibrant streets of Tel Aviv

Transfer to the Ben Gurion airport for your destination.

End of the services… Be blessed



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